Welcome to Rubha Phoil

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Rubha Phoil is an ancient, Sacred Rock in Sleat in the south of the Isle of Skye, Scotland. It’s home to our nature-based regenerative culture project and community.

Rubha Phoil is home for a small regenerative culture community and permaculture project. Here, our community members and visitors will find opportunities to rest, heal and build resilience. Visitors leave Rubha Phoil with the knowledge and inspiration to use nature, permaculture and community to become a part of the solution. Permaculture is more than a sustainable option. At Rubha Phoil, we see permaculture as a system to live wholesomely and in abundance.

Here, the ethics of permaculture are woven into every aspect of the rock. These ethics are:

Fair Share: We emphasize the equitable distribution of resources, networking, cooperation, and reduction of consumerism. This starts by rethinking notions of growth, progress and development. Fair Share also means honouring the people that came before us and preserving the planet for those who will come after us.

Earth Care: We preserve the soil, protect biodiversity, conserve energy and natural resources and keep the air and water clean.

People Care: We take care of ourselves and each other’s health and well-being through the nourishment of good food, lifelong learning, trust, respect and meaningful work.

You can visit and stay with us!

We have a cabin available for people who want to come and holiday with us. Click here to book.

If you want to get your hands dirty and learn in exchange, you can read more how this can work for us here.

Our Mission

Rubha Phoil is a nature-based regenerative culture community, where a small group of people of all ages create and demonstrate an abundant and thriving existence on and from the Rock, while enhancing the ecosystem they live in.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a thriving, resilient and diverse community, a place of reconnection to nature and ourselves, and to model and teach permaculture, nature connection and community building.

Learn more about who we are HERE.