If you’re looking for a way to get to know Rubha Phoil, start your journey into nature connection and contribute to keep our community running, you’ve come to the right place!
Our preference is to welcome people as full members of our community and team. After all being a community is our long term aim. The community is our home and a community grows best slowly. Therefore full members need to stay for at least a month or preferably longer. On average, the integration process into the team takes a month as it is a rich learning journey and is a big investment from our part. Also for you to fully benefit from that experience it is better to stay longer and experience it deeper.

Skills We Are Looking For
A Few Useful Tips
The Application Process
Other Ways to Connect
Skills We Are Looking For
Everyone has something unique to bring to the table. We’d love to hear about your skills! There’s a few ongoing tasks on Rubha Phoil. If you have experience with any of these topics or want to learn more about them, that’s a big bonus for us.
- Fixing and Building Things. There is know how support available, but this person would need to have experience working with tools and project managing.
- Social Media and PR. Someone with experience in sharing information, creating content and crowdfunding.
- Office Work. Someone with experience in doing paperwork, emails, excel sheets, phone calls, funding applications.
- Project Management. Someone with experience in managing a small business including customer facing interactions.
- Web Development. Someone with experience in wordpress and woocommerce.
- Cooking. Someone with experience in stock managing and taking a lead in vegan cooking. We normally take turns to cook, but this person would manage the system, inspire and help people to select a divers and healthy menu. Vegan cooking skills are essential.
- Gardening and Growing Food. Training is available, but some experience is essential. Opportunity for someone wanting to setup a CSA/market garden. We are offering the right person/s access to long term agreements and the opportunity to establish a CSA/market gardening business. The enterprise would sit alongside our existing enterprises and would need to work together in furthering the community goals of self sufficiency and education. For the right person existing orchards, herb gardens, polytunnels, aquaponics system and forest garden could be incorporated into the enterprise.
We would like to know that you already have some connection to nature. If you want to, you can Join our program on the Virtual Village here.
A Few Useful Tips

- Our community is not an average tourist destination. It is a home as well as a learning centre and a warm welcoming community. Please ask yourself if you are coming to us for the right reasons.
- Accommodation can be paid for through a combination of £s and or work-exchange on a personal agreement basis. A £-less exchange is possible, for UK residents (Sorry, Brexit) , though is usually reserved for longer visits.
- It is good to know this summary of ‘rules or conduct agreement of the community‘, before you decide to apply to visit or fill in the form.
- We want our home to be a safer space for everyone. Including for children and for people who are healing or are more vulnerable in other aspects. This means that we have a rigorous selection process. We ask for understanding and patience in answering our many questions.
- We get a lot of applications. More and more people are looking for what we have to offer. We can’t welcome everyone for a trial visit. Please understand our need and our desire to do a pre-selection. We’d like to give you a truly warm welcome when you come for your visit. This selection process helps us to increase the chances for a pleasant experience for the benefit of all of us.
If you want to know what an average day looks like on Rubha Phoil, this link leads to a blog post written by Tyler when he was one of our team members.
Or feel free to watch this short video. (https://www.youtube.com/embed/i6FYONphSjI?si=YsJPTeDTVJaMmcXc)
The Application process:
Step 1: Fill in form below.
Step 2: A zoom or phone call
Step 3: Join Virtual Village
Step 4: Read our policies and step into a written and signed agreement with us
Please introduce yourself, feel free to be creative and share your dreams
We’ll reply soon with some more questions no doubt.
Let’s start a conversation.
If you want to apply to start the process, please fill in this google form
(if the form doesn’t work for you, you can click here: https://forms.gle/ihBC7ofKZC9XqogCA)
When submitting, google will ask you the robot questions….
don’t forget to do them to submit. You should get a confirmation message if all goes well.
(this form is not needed for short/day visits)

Other Ways to Connect
Paid Positions
At the moment we don’t have any jobs on offer, but we might do soon. Join the Virtual Village to be first in line. Register on the email list on the home page to be first to hear about them.
(Permaculture) Student
We welcome individuals, families, small groups to come and have a rich learning experience. This can vary from a few hour workshops to a season long Permanent Culture Village Builders course.
Make sure you’re on our email list to find out what we organise. If you have any desires or dreams or questions about your own needs or desires to learn, get in touch.
Following the application process, you can find the form here.
Plus: We would like to know that you already have some connection to nature. If you want to, you can Join our program on the Virtual Village here.
Short Stays (Less Than a Month)
We would like to welcome you on a fair exchange basis:
We want to give you what you come for, but we also need to get our work done and pay our bills.
To achieve that, we are trying to live -like we are hard wired to live- as written in our DNA. We estimate that our ancestors, before colonisation destroyed our native culture, would work 4-5 hours each day (28-35 a week) and fill the rest with play, art, exploring, singing, timelessness, etc. We have found our own modern way to live like that and are really enjoying it. We organise our own lives like that and would expect everyone to join in with this routine.
We have created our own circular economy to realise a fair exchange. Currently, the cost of board and lodging in this unique community is RR50 per day per person. You can earn your RR’s by exchanging your labour or skills or services, or you can exchange £’s for RR’s (£1=1RR). Before your stay, we make a fair exchange agreement that clarified how many £’s you exchange and how many you can earn. Feel free to contact us with a proposal.
We can offer a few choices of beds to sleep in. More info on the Virtual Village.
Following the application process, you can find the form here.
Plus: We would like to know that you already have some connection to nature. If you want to, you can Join our program on the Virtual Village here.
Day Visits and Zoom Conversations
For really short visits, we use the principle, that we permanent culture people call: bring a spade. We have enough spades, but it gives an indication of what we propose: We ask from people that we create a fair exchange. We simply are unable to give our time away for free. In practise that means that you’ll need to buy the time from us in RR’s on our Virtual Village where we created our own circular economy. You can buy your time at 20RR per hour. You can earn your RR’s by exchanging your labour or other skills or you can exchange them for £’s. Usually we agree a personal mix match of a fair exchange agreement that suits both of our needs best. Feel free to contact us with a proposal.
You can book on the Virtual Village.
For a short visit it is not needed to fill in an application form.
You can contact us here or ask questions on the form.
We are happy to listen to suggestions for another way of a fair exchange or mutually beneficial relationships too.